Tuesday 30 October 2012

Filming - Vox Pops in Liscard

During two free periods, myself and Lauren went to film vox pops in a local shopping area called Liscard. We set up for two hours and throughout the whole time, only managed to get 3 people to answer or questions. This is not enough so we have arranged to film for more vox pops on Thursday only this time we are going to do them in a bigger area in order for us to ask more people to participate.

Monday 29 October 2012

Filming - Vox Pops in School

Before we film our vox pops tomorrow, we tested out our questions outside of the common room as we wanted to make sure that we got interesting answers.

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Filming - Textiles Teacher

At lunch time we interviewed a textiles teacher in school about how t-shirts have changed and about her favourite t-shirts. The interview was conducted in a textiles classroom as this meant that the mise-en-scene was relevant to the interviewee.We also filmed shots around her room in order to use these as cutaways and to anchor the reason that we interviewed her as well as to show her job role.

Monday 15 October 2012

Filming - T-shirt Printers

Today we conducted an interview with a business owner that prints t-shirts in Liverpool City Centre. He owns Desk Top Print on Bold Street in Liverpool. We also filmed around the shop for cutaways of various t-shirt prints and equipment used for printing. We will us these if we use the interview.

Friday 12 October 2012

Filming - Pulp in Liverpool One and Liverpool City Centre.

After school we went back to Pulp in Liverpool One as we wanted to film the interview again. We also decided we needed more cutaways from inside the store and that some of the original cutaways could be imrpoved on. We now have a variety of cutaways that we can use throughout the documentary. We also filmed shots outside of some shops in Liverpool City Centre for our montage at the start of our documentary which is based around the High Street.

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Filming - Pulp in Liverpool One.

Today we went to Pulp in Liverpool One to interview the manager and film shots of the different t-shirts they sell. We filmed a variety of cutaways that we can use to break up the interview or for montages of different styles of t-shirts.